Ostara: Anima Mundi, St Ives

12 March - 28 April 2023

I am delighted to be exhibiting this durational day drawing 05.57 Blindmore 18.40 in the online exhibition Ostara.


Ostara: the spring fertility festival that honours the goddess of the dawn; Eostra, meaning East, from where the sun rises. It marks the vernal equinox; the moment in the year, when light overtake is darkness. Relevant to this drawing which was made a few days after the vernal equinox, a few years ago.


As the Sun rose in the east, it cast a westerly shadow over a stone I found in the field where I made this drawing. Drawing continuously, tracing and chasing the ever moving shadow for the duration of the 12 hour sunlight day, I became profoundly aware of the rotation of planet Earth beneath my feet, and the relationship all life on Earth has to our nearest star.


Online from 12/3 - 28/4/23
